
The last couple of nights at home with Camden have been so sweet. Number one, he is playing by himself sooooooo well this week. This is not typical of him. Number two, he has just been plain sweet and agreeable. He’s typically a very sweet boy anyway, but he’s also 3, and has his moments, but not the last couple of days! I let him stay up and watch some of Dancing With the Stars with me. He is too funny! He heard them say that the men would be dancing the Cha Cha Cha, and he was so excited because apparently the Wiggles talk about the Cha Cha Cha?? This led to many, many questions! I sent him to bed at 7:30 (yes, this is actually late for him) and finished up Dancing With the Stars and then watched The Contender (it was a good TV night). I still think that Brian and I are the only people watching this show, but I LOVE it! We’re down to the quarter-finals, and my two favorites had to box against each other last night. Can we say gut wrenching! My first favorite did win, but I hate watching these guys lose! Some of them are devastated; some of them are so sweet to their kids trying to explain that they are fine, and it’s not about winning, but how that they fought well, and the kids are so upset and crying!! Anyway, enough about TV!

I thought we were past this point in our parenting career, but obviously I need to start picking out Camden's clothes before I leave for work! I used to do this when he was younger, but I thought Brian was mature enough to handle it at this point. HOWEVER, yesterday I picked up Camden from school, and he was wearing a t-shirt that was clearly too small for him. I mean, if his belly is showing, don't you think that'd be the first clue it doesn't fit! So this morning Brian calls me, and says he couldn't find anything to put on Camden. (This cannot be true because anyone who knows me knows that he has way more clothes than any child or adult should own) So, because he "couldn't find" anything, he got into the rubbermaid of clothing that I had set aside to give to my sister and pulled out a pair of jeans. This rubbermaid is full of clothes from last winter that clearly do not fit him anymore. So now my cute son wore a belly-showing shirt yesterday and high waters today! I'm picking his clothes out tomorrow! LOL
Here are a couple of layouts from last night.

So Mischievous - credits here

W & X - credits here

Boy Pile - credits here


Anonymous said…
Time to defend myself here. If you look back at the blog entry on September 8th it clearly says that Camden has "no fall clothes." I do believe a retraction is in order clearing my name of any wrong doing. Melissa is just a little obsessed over Camden's looking perfect

Proud and falsely accused father of Camden, Brian

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