A few videos

Just a few silly clips of the kiddos. Rory is copying the last pose of a singer on American Idol.

They were a tad wound up right before bedtime.

We're beginning our first full day of Rory wearing big girl underwear (cause I'm sure you were dying to know that). I'm not complaining because this has been very easy so far, but the child either has a bladder of steel and holds it for 6 hours OR she goes every 10 minutes all day. We may never be able to leave the house again.

On that note, I'm off to make scrambled eggs for breakfast. Enjoy your Thursday!


Chris said…
OK, is that a cupcake outfit, and if so, where did you get it???
Isabel has worn "big girl undies" but only OVER a diaper or Pull-up...doesn't really count! :D
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the videos!

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