My New Obsession

I've been on the search for the perfect iced coffee. Now, nothing can replace a Starbucks frappucino, but they're more like dessert (and $4) so I've been looking for a cold coffee that will give me a good caffeine kick. McDonald's iced coffee is too bitter and not nearly cold enough and generally seems slapped together. Sonic's iced mocha is full of chocolate syrup and whipped cream. But Dunkin' Donuts iced mocha is perfect - cold, no whip cream, just sweet enough without being too sweet, and only $2.50! I've limited myself to one iced coffee a week, but my throat is sore enough this morning that I might just have to break the rule. Not to mention I got less than 4 hours sleep again last night.

Camden is not a particularly sensitive child. In fact, many times over the last few months as we've discussed serious prayer requests he has giggled and not taken them seriously. I do realize he's only 5 and some of that comes with his age, but really, he's not very sensitive or compassionate (and we've been working on it). Yesterday we had bad storms and as we were in the basement, he was very concerned about Brian driving home in the storm. I told him he could pray about it if he wanted and as he prayed his eyes welled up with tears and his little chin quivered and he said, "just please let daddy be safe until I can see him with my eyes again."

The two predominant trends of the week are (1) Rory is now "cold" every time she's upset about something. I've heard this about 16 dozen times in the last 3 days, always said in a very whiny voice; (2) Camden clearly thinks he is Rory's father, not brother since he has bossed her around to the point that Rory and I both want to strangle him. Not sure what's brought on the new authoritarian attitude, but it is seriously annoying.

I think Rory may have caught my sore throat (Brian also seems to be on the receiving end of this). She woke up at 5:50 this morning (which NEVER happens) and has mostly been crying ever since. I did finally get her set up on the couch in front of "coons" (thank heavens she finally likes to watch them for a bit!). I'm thinking this may be a rough day.
You know how typically you think finally it's Friday! Well, in our case, this finally Friday isn't too exciting. Brian has an all-night youth activity this evening that lasts until 5 a.m. tomorrow, which means the bad night of sleep he got last night has to last him through 100 (or so) teenagers all night long. Tomorrow are Camden's softball pictures and his very first game so Brian won't have much time to rest. If Brian is gone or wiped out, that means no weekend break for me either! I'm sure we'll all survive, we'll just be a little more tired than usual heading into Monday.

Gina Miller: Whimsicality

Jen Wilson: Totally Girl


I hope you all feel better soon! And I hope you get some sleep... those two things together are not a fun combination!
Anonymous said…
Dunkin Doughnuts coffee? How much caffeine do you get in a day? If sleep doesn't come easy, it could be you are on a caffine high. You will have with drawls when trying to stop caffeine. But, after being off; caffeine taste bitter. Caffeine is bitter after being off long enough. You may sleep better, feel better, Try it!
Katie said…
On April 21st you can get an iced coffee at Dunkin Donuts for $0.50 in support of "Homes for our Troops".

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