Jump for Joy

It's a family joke that my mom cannot smile for pictures to save her life. She always looks a little pained and not necessarily joyful despite the fact that she's a very sweet and happy woman. So here are a few pictures from a recent afternoon on the trampoline with real smiles on her face. And, yes, I waited until I dropped her off at the airport this morning before posting these so that she wouldn't have access to me. :)












Brian stayed up until 2:30 a.m. grading papers, and I apparently was having sympathy pains for him because I was also up until 2:30, so let's just say that the 5:15 wake-up call came much too early for both of us. I dropped my mom off at the airport early this morning, made a very fast trip to Trader Joe's and Whole Foods to load up on vegetables, brown rice, and ground turkey and now Rory and I are back home curled up on this rainy day. My scar tissue refuses to back down quietly after my trip to Oklahoma last week, and I am fairly certain that it's going to require another trip to the doctor, but I'm trying to take it easy today and keep a heating pad on it to see if a day of little movement will help keep the pain and infection at bay. Here's hoping anyway!


Love those pictures of your joyful mama! Feel better, Melissa!
Vicky said…
I promise I'm not making light of the situation- but I am giggling a bit at the thought of both of us having a bit of a love affair with the heating pad these days :) Yes, lets just hope it isn't what we think it might be... rest easy and know you're in my prayers- heating pad and all.
The last picture of you mama is my favorite. How fun!

Curled up with a cutie like Rory on a rainy day sounds like heaven. I hope the rest and heat take care of the scar tissue issue. Tissue issue. Sounds funny.
Those are such great photos of everyone on the trampoline! Joyful for sure!

And I'm sorry you are not feeling well! Fingers crossed that a lazy day solves it all!
Lisa S. said…
Love your pictures!! I think you have your mom's smile :) I sure hope you feel better after a day of rest and cuddling up!
Krista said…
Those are fantastic! (were you shooting on Shutter Speed?)
Enjoy resting and relaxing!

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